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Touch | Pandemic

An image of Bettina's neck and fingers is mirrored in the centre, creating the illusion of fingers impossibly intertwining into and on top of her neck.

Skin is a short art film created during the pandemic inspired by the yearning of touch. Skin was created in collaboration with Kayla Shears of E.Sunrise Productions, an interdisciplinary artist who works with sound design, intermedia and music technology. It was made possible by the Canada Council for the Arts's Digital Originals Grant.

Creative Team

Director: Bettina Szabo

Cinematographer: Bettina Szabo

Choreographer: Bettina Szabo

Performancer: Bettina Szabo

Music: Kayla Shears

Presented at:

Festival of Recorded Movement (FORM), Vancouver 2021

Created with the generous support and collaboration of 

Logo of the Canada Council for the Arts - Conseil des arts du Canada
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